闊別香港有五年既冬季嘉年華(Winter Wonderland Hong Kong 2012-2013),將會係聖誕節到農曆新年期間重臨香港,今次嘉年華係由總部設係杜拜既富芝娛樂國際集團主辦
今次冬季嘉年華將會係位於機場附近既亞洲國際博覽館舉行! (編註:有機會係博覽館室外既貨車調度區舉行) 橫跨聖誕節、除夕同農曆新年!
嘉年華會提供多款機動遊戲,當中蝙蝠飛車(Bat Coaster) 同 恐懼堡壘(Fortress of Fear) 更加係第一次係香港出現
Freij Carnival HK Ltd is excited to invite Hong Kong to "Winter Wonderland Hong Kong 2012-2013" at the well-known venue “Asia-World Expo” to celebrate the festivities with the Carnival and Shows during the Christmas, New Years and the Chinese New Year period. Presenting “Winter Wonderland Hong Kong 2012-2013” with all the festival trimmings and entertainment to guarantee excitement and fun for all ages during these seasonal celebrations!!
We are thrilled to be able to bring to “Asia-World Expo” venue for the first time to Hong Kong, 2 unique amusement rides that will THRILL and FEAR the people of Hong Kong, the “Bat Coaster” and the “Fortress of Fear” at the “Asia-World Expo” debuting at the "Winter Wonderland Hong Kong 2012-2013". “COMING IN 2012-2013”!!!!
We are thrilled to be able to bring to “Asia-World Expo” venue for the first time to Hong Kong, 2 unique amusement rides that will THRILL and FEAR the people of Hong Kong, the “Bat Coaster” and the “Fortress of Fear” at the “Asia-World Expo” debuting at the "Winter Wonderland Hong Kong 2012-2013". “COMING IN 2012-2013”!!!!
[轉貼] 好消息!闊別五年 香港冬季嘉年華 聖誕新年期間重臨香港