2012年6月1日 星期五

Tomato vs. DD-WRT on Asus RT-N16

Last 5 to 6 years I have been using DD-WRT and didn't even try Tomato. But from now on, Tomato it is.
Tomato = all feature of DD-WRT + all factory firmware feature + extra stuff.
Just give it a try.
Some links:

debwrt: Full debian on the rt-n16 http://dev.debwrt.net/wiki/AsusRT-N16

My word of advice: just get a cheap gigabit switch if you want to save money and just need home networking.
Max speed I got from usd storage = 10MBps (with tomato), 8MBps (with dd-wrt), 2.5MBps (with asus firmware). Talking about read and write average here.
On other hand:
Wireless N doesn't seem work great with combination of wireless G devices. So, at the end 300Mbps goes down to 54Mbps.
Exploring more...

[轉貼]Tomato vs. DD-WRT on Asus RT-N16
