2012年10月24日 星期三

Samsung Multi function怎樣才可以把whatapp和其他上網app加入雙視窗功能 教學

如果想自己加其他Apps ,就自己 跟下邊步驟做:
If anyone wants a step by step on how to do this, here is one - I will not go into insane detail though.

1.Get the /system/framework/framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk files from you N7100
2.Download APK Multitool suggested earlier by nobnut
3. Run setup.bat, use option 3 if I remember right to create the folders.
4.Put the framework files inside "other" folder
5. Load both files using Setup.bat (option 2 i think)
6.Close Setup
7. Put framework-res.apk inside the directory for modding
8. Run Script.bat, Select project with option 24
9. Decompile with 9
10.Modify your /res/values/arrays.xml file to your liking.
11.Compilie using the System app option - When it asks if you want to keep Choose YES
12.delete the resources.arsc file from the keep folder. Continue with the process
13.After it's done, take the resources.arsc file from inside the newly created file and put it in the original framework-res.apk file.
14.Insert it into a CWM file, (use mine which I took from lenny) as a template, just replace the framework file inside it with 7zip (drag and drop)
15.Copy the ZIP file to your sdcard and flash.

 [MOD] Lennys Multi-screen app extend mod v1.3

Update: Paul O'Brien of Modaco has made a web based tool for you to quickly make a new apk to your own requirements without the need to compile and decompile yourself, it can be found here - http://www.modaco.com/topic/358494-l...i-window-tool/ (please pay attention to his last paragraph too!).

Dear all

Better laid out page with quick guide - http://lennyuk.co.uk/lennyuks-multi-...mod-for-n7100/

What it is:
This is my quick fix before a real fix comes at a later date to add more apps to the multi-scren mode. It is not perfect and only allows for apps I have listed below (and the ones that were already there).

This is just a simple xml mod, it is easy to do yourself if you know how to decompile and recompile framework-res.apk, I will not accept the credit for finding where in the xml it needs to be edited, I have just made the changes below, recompiled and made a .zip for you.

As a warnning if your planning on making your own edit, there is a general bug in the way this works (not confirmed but believed) that if you have more than 1 page full of apps in that "edit" screen the whole split-screen crashes.

So don't go adding too many apps at this point in time!

What it is not:
This is not an ideal solution to add all your apps, it is just a quick xml change to add the apps I have detailed below.

What does it add?
The apps I have added are as follows (by package name, if you don't understand package names then try to google it, it will probably tell you the name of the app, but its easy to work out in most cases):

Do not worry if you don't have some of these apps installed, they will just be ignored.


1) NANDROID FIRST!! This way if something goes wrong, or you don't like my mod you can easily revert.

2) Flash in CWM (or other custom) recovery.

3) Boot and add back all your accounts!

Developers: Add support for Samsung Multi Window to your apps

[轉貼] Samsung Multi-Windows function Samsung S3 Multi  Samsung Note2 Multi Samsung Note2 lte Multi
怎樣才可以把whatapp和其他上網app加入雙視窗功能 教學
